Advancing the standard of care for mothers and infants affected by polyhydramnios.

Watch this video about KP featuring our Advisory Board President, CEO, and COO.

We envision a future where mothers affected by Polyhydramnios feel safer during pregnancy and where every infant from those pregnancies gets to thrive to their fullest potential.

Polyhydramnios carries significant risks to mothers affected by it. In addition to the risks, it is also often the first indication that there may be a bigger problem with the baby. Its presence gives us a reason to dig deeper, implement proper testing, and help families arrange for early intervention therapies before their babies arrive because women & infant health matter.

Did you know that only 39% of moms know what causes their Poly before delivery? 28% more find out by their baby's 1st birthday.

Only 39% of poly moms know what is causing their excess amniotic fluid by the time they deliver. 28% more will find out after their baby is born.

But what if We managed Polyhydramnios differently? How many more babies could thrive earlier with proper interventions?

There's been a gap in care for Polyhydramnios somewhere between the transition from Obstetrics to Pediatrics

But we're working with industry leaders to bridge that gap. And YOU can help.

learn more about Polyhydramnios

Learn More About Polyhydramnios

Polyhydramnios is a pregnancy complication involving too much amniotic fluid that requires careful monitoring during the third trimester. Here, you’ll find guidelines for everything from risks to causes to labor and delivery. 
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