Know Polyhydramnios' Mission

We aim to advance the standard of care for pregnancies complicated by Polyhydramnios, to promote the developmental potential of infants whose gestations were complicated by Polyhydramnios through earlier intervention and proper testing, and to understand the causes, effects, and long-term outcomes of Polyhydramnios.

140 million births worldwide 2 million poly babies

There are 140 million pregnancies resulting in a live birth worldwide every year. Roughly 2 million of them are complicated by polyhydramnios.

1.3 million unexplained poly pregnancies

Of 1.3 million polyhydramnios pregnancies labeled idiopathic, 300,000 infants get diagnosed with an anomaly before their first birthday.

35% of poly cases are moderate to severe & 6 out of 7 of these also have a genetic anomaly

35% of pregnancies complicated by Polyhydramnios are moderate to severe and 6 out of 7 of those are linked to a genetic anomaly.

There is a gap in care for Polyhydramnios somewhere between the transition from Obstetrics to Pediatrics. Mothers commonly find themselves lost trying to get proper testing and early interventions for their babies. In their advocacy journey, they often wear the hat of doctor, researcher, and scientist before they finally find the help they need. We are working with industry leaders to bridge the gap. Here's how you can help...

Our organization needs awareness, the medical community needs continued research surrounding Polyhydramnios, moms need advocates, and babies need easier access to proper testing and early intervention.
Help make the difference by spreading awareness, making a donation, or choosing to sponsor one of our events.

When I found out I had polyhydramnios I joined a support group and learned I was not alone in my fears. I found out that there was a whole community of babies having problems and moms searching for answers. I felt compelled to do something for this community and thankfully, some other amazing people did too.

Every mother wants to enjoy her pregnancy and every baby deserves the opportunity to thrive.

But due to the risks of Polyhydramnios, millions of mothers are spending their final weeks of pregnancy gripped by fear and too many of them are experiencing dangerous complications.

After delivery, too many infants are suffering from unexpected complications that are often missed or underdiagnosed due to the lack of understanding and education about the causes of Polyhydramnios during pregnancy.

At Know Polyhydramnios, we believe that every pregnancy and every baby has a right to comprehensive care. Mothers deserve specific protocols and a standard set of guidelines to help ensure safer deliveries. Babies deserve access to early intervention therapies and proper testing so they have the opportunity to thrive to their fullest potential.

When you enter the picture by donating or becoming a sponsor, you're helping mothers and infants affected by Polyhydramnios to have a brighter, happier, and less complicated future.

Know Polyhydramnios celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion. We are committed to advancing the standard of care for all people affected by polyhydramnios. Our aim is to foster a culture where every mother and infant are valued, supported, and inspired to achieve the full developmental potential of all infants of a polyhydramnios gestation. Our commitment to the inclusion of every person affected by polyhydramnios is unwavering.

Do you have Polyhydramnios and need support? We want to connect you to the best resources.

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