Questions for Your Doctor

We understand that many women leave the appointment where they’ve been told they have Polyhydramnios with more questions than answers. A lot of women never even hear of this condition before being diagnosed, so they don’t know how to react, or what to ask. 

We’ve compiled a very long list of questions regarding Polyhydramnios to discuss with different health care providers. This list was put together by women affected by Polyhydramnios in pregnancy.

If you have questions about anything included in this list, please email us at or reach out to us on Facebook. We are happy to help clear up anything that doesn’t make sense.

Table of Contents


Pregnancy Management & Monitoring

Have you ever cared for a patient with Polyhydramnios before? 

How often will my baby be monitored during pregnancy?

Will this change if my AFI changes?

What is my current AFI? 

What follow-up testing will you do? 

     NST? How often? 

     BPP? How often? 

     Growth scan? How often?

     Glucose tolerance test? 

     Rh factor blood test?

     If Rh-negative, repeat Rh antibody testing?

     If hydrops is detected, fetal echocardiogram? 

     If hydrops is detected, ToRCH screening?

     Other tests?

At what point will I be referred to an MFM? 

At what point will you recommend an amnioreduction? 

Will you agree to an amnioreduction before this point if I ask for it?

Do you recommend amniocentesis?

If I have an amniocentesis, will you check for rare gene defects as well as chromosome abnormalities? 

What happens if a genetic anomaly is found in my baby? 

What happens if there is a problem with a BPP or NST test?

How will you be supportive if I become anxious as delivery approaches?

Labor & Delivery

What happens if my water starts slowly leaking? 

What happens if my water breaks at home?

Is there a level 3 or 4 NICU at the hospital I’m delivering at?

Can I request to be delivered at a hospital with a level 3 or 4 NICU?

Will I be induced? If so, when? How? Why?

Do you recommend a c-section or vaginal birth?

Will you do a controlled ROM if my water doesn’t break on its own?  If so, how? 

Do you and your team regularly practice for complications like shoulder dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, and umbilical cord prolapse?

Are you prepared for the possibility of an amniotic fluid embolism?

Will you check for signs of blood clots and pulmonary embolism after delivery? 

After Delivery

What will happen to my baby after delivery?

Will you pass an ng tube before my baby’s first feeding to check for esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula?

What will happen if my baby has trouble breathing? 

Does the hospital have an ECMO machine available in case my baby needs it to help with breathing? 

If my baby needs to be transferred to a different hospital, will I be discharged early? 

What additional financial charges should I expect if my baby or I need extra care or extra days in the hospital?

If I had moderate/severe polyhydramnios, will my baby be offered whole-exome sequencing after birth?

Will you help me get connected with my state’s free program for early childhood intervention so that I can have my baby evaluated as soon as possible?

Printable Provider Discussion Guide

All of the questions to ask your provider together in one handy guide. Available in our member area.

Read Next

FAQs about Polyhydramnios – Polyhydramnios is a concerning diagnosis that leaves many women with more questions than answers, like what does Polyhydramnios indicate, and should I be worried about having too much amniotic fluid? Read our answers to these questions and more on our FAQ page.

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