Learn More About Polyhydramnios
Everything you need to know about Polyhydramnios including the signs, symptoms, risks, diagnosis, testing, treatment, monitoring, labor and delivery, and statistics surrounding it.
Polyhydramnios is a pregnancy complication involving too much amniotic fluid that requires careful monitoring during the third trimester.
Amniotic Fluid Index, AFI, is the sum total measurement of the deepest pocket of amniotic fluid in each of the four quadrants of your uterus.
A larger than expected uterus, difficulty breathing, excessive swelling, and other exaggerated late-term pregnancy symptoms are all signs of polyhydramnios.
Following a Polyhydramnios diagnosis, routine testing should include a GTT, NSTs, BPPs, and growth scans, with additional testing in more severe cases.
Treatment for Polyhydramnios includes management of the underlying condition (when possible), fetal surveillance, reducing fluid, and creating an effective care plan.
Recommended delivery guidelines for mild, moderate, and severe Polyhydramnios, both idiopathic and with known maternal or fetal complications.
Polyhydramnios is a rare condition that complicates about 1% of all pregnancies. This page breaks down all of the known statistics surrounding it.
If you’ve been diagnosed with Polyhydramnios, you probably have a lot of questions. Use our guide to help you get the right ones answered.
Do not go through Polyhydramnios alone. This is a growing list of online support groups and helpful social media accounts to follow.
Register today to join an entire community of people affected by Polyhydramnios. We welcome all moms, family, friends, physicians, etc to come and connect.
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