Melissa's polyhydramnios story

Melissa's Story: One We Can All Relate To

Melissa's polyhydramnios story

One We Can All Relate To…

Melissa’s story tells of her journey with severe polyhydramnios. It’s very relatable because it captures an experience that many poly mamas also walk through including bothersome symptoms, complications, and unknowns.

Melissa’s Story

At first, my pregnancy was very normal. I was a huge athlete and continued my athleticism until about 28 weeks when my midwife suspected polyhydramnios. She sent me to see the MFM who monitored me twice a week starting at 28 weeks. The first check was an AFI of 25.

As the weeks continued the discomfort of pregnancy continued. I had a hard time sleeping because my stomach was so large. I developed several infections and illnesses that went undiagnosed (December 2019) at one point I could only sleep sitting up because it hurt so much to breathe and how much I coughed. Eventually, I was given kidney stone medication after an ultrasound. This made the rest of the pregnancy fairly ok.

We continued monitoring my little one and they checked his swallowing and said maybe he was just urinating a lot. We never learned the reason for polyhydramnios. I was not offered amniocentesis or genetic testing.

At 37.5 weeks during one of my checks, my AFI was discovered to be at 40 but the induction list was long so I was sent home to wait with no further instructions as to what to do if in labor or my water breaking. At 38 weeks my water broke while on the toilet and my husband rushed me to the hospital.

Again, no instructions on how to deal with the breaking of waters. I continued to labor but my little one’s heart continued to decel during every contraction. We ended up with a c-section.

He passed all of his tests. He did have extra startle responses for a long time, extra bleeding, and the docs kept checking his blood sugar.

They were not concerned for his development because of the polyhydramnios.

The only difference between this child and my other children currently as he is 18 months old (August 2021) is that he is extra extra fussy but seems to be developing fine as he has met all of his milestones.

Check the updates tab above to read more…

SEP 13

Melissa’s story is brand new

But we’ll check in with her in a few months to see how things are going!

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