Heather's Story: A Mild Case with a Happy Ending

A Mild Case with a Happy Ending

Heather’s story gives a huge sigh of relief to anxious mamas searching for good poly stories. She experienced the same fears as every other poly mama, but her case of mild polyhydramnios worked out beautifully.

Heather’s Story

I was pregnant with my second baby. I went in for a routine prenatal appointment around 30 weeks and by chance, I was given an ultrasound.  The ultrasound tech mentioned that I had extra fluid but didn’t mention much else. 

I came home and immediately jumped on google and read the pages on polyhydramnios and how it means there is possibly something wrong with my baby.  It sent me into a panic. I had an ultrasound every week and slowly the levels went up to an AFI of 26.5, the deepest pocket was 10. It was mild. 

I ended up being induced at 37 weeks 6 days for other medical reasons and the fact I lived so far away from the hospital. My doctor warned me of the risks if my water broke naturally at home and made the decision it was safer for me to be in the hospital instead of an hour and a half away.

Thankfully my baby came completely healthy not one thing wrong with him! And there were no issues with labor. The cause for polyhydramnios is idiopathic and my doctors were awesome in their approach and plan to keep me and my baby safe!

Check the updates tab above to read more…

AUG 18

I reached out to Heather and here is what she said…

Hey! My son is doing perfect! He is gonna be one on Friday!

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